Our Vision – Dr Weinert Communications
Dr Weinert Communications – Process Communication Model®
Our vision
- Touch the lives of people, especially in stressful moments
- Connecting people and their potential
- Help everyone achieve greater success through effective communication
- To offer assistance for burnout prevention
- We attach particular importance to successful patient communication, patient satisfaction and patient safety
Our goal
- Your dialogue is productive thanks to successful and authentic communication
- You know how to keep yourself in the green and how to help other people stay there
- They can help themselves and others better out of the stress trap
Your result with the Process Communication Model®
- Growing success and new energies in professional and private life
- Expansion of your leadership skills
- Increase your communication skills
- Successfully building contacts and relationships with others
- Sustainable motivation and enthusiasm of others
- Constructive conflict resolution
- Understanding of one’s own personality
- Conscious handling of strengths and weaknesses, communication and leadership styles, psychological needs and behavioural patterns and behaviour under negative stress
Process Communication Model® – from New Zealand to Germany
Even before our move to the most relaxed country in the world, New Zealand, we recognized and discussed the parallels in the “High-Risk Industries” of medicine and aviation.
We noticed that communication training in medicine is only at the beginning of development in Germany, whereas in aviation it has long been standard practice.
We found the solution in New Zealand. Independently of each other, we were able to get to know the Process Communication Model® (PCM) in our aerospace and medical professions. Since we both were convinced by this communication training, we trained as certified trainers in Process Communication Model (PCM®) and offered the following three years training in the medical field in New Zealand.
Since 2010 we are back in our home country Germany and have been conducting Process Communication Model Trainings, both as open seminars and in-house training. Especially the training in the medical field shows that the Process Communication Model® absolutely increases the ability to communicate within a team, especially in stressful situations, and thus conflicts can be avoided or resolved faster.
Design Thinking is one of our frequently used methods that help you, as a leader, to break new ground. In role-finding processes as well as for customer orientation or team workshops. We always orient ourselves to your needs and goals in order to change sustainably.
Our seminars are aimed primarily at executives, managers in occupational health management, the doctor, the practice and clinic team and the educators. Our speciality is communication in medicine – as a leader, as a team member and in dialogue with the patient and his relatives.
Our Vision
- To touch the lives of people, especially in stressful moments
- To help everyone with more success through effective communication
- Helping with Burn-Out prevention
- Especially we are committed to successful patient communication, patient satisfaction and patient safety
Our Goal
- Your dialog is productive and successful because of authentic communication
- You know how to stay in the green zone, and know-how to help others to stay there as well
- You can help yourself and others out of the stress trap
Your success with the Process Communication Model®
- Increasing success and new energy in private and business relationships
- Expansion of your leadership competencies
- Increase your communication skills
- Successful building contacts and relationships
- Sustained motivation and enthusiasm of others
- Constructive conflict resolution
- Understanding of your own personality
- Conscious using your strength and weaknesses, communications styles, leadership styles, psychological needs and behavioural under stress.
Process Communication Model® – von Neuseeland nach Deutschland
Schon vor unserem Umzug in das gelassenste Land der Welt, Neuseeland, haben wir die Parallelen in den „High Risk Industries” Medizin und Luftfahrt erkannt und diskutiert.
Uns fiel auf, dass in Deutschland Kommunikationstrainings in der Medizin erst am Anfang der Entwicklung stehen, während diese in der Luftfahrt schon lange zum Standard zählen.
In Neuseeland haben wir die Lösung gefunden. Unabhängig voneinander durften wir in unseren Berufen in der Luftfahrt und in der Medizin das Process Communication Model® (PCM) kennen lernen. Da uns beide dieses Kommunikationstraining überzeugte, haben wir uns zu zertifizierten Trainern in Process Communication Model (PCM) ausbilden lassen und in Neuseeland die folgenden drei Jahren Trainings im medizinischen Bereich angeboten.
Seit 2010 sind wir wieder zurück in unserer Heimat Deutschland und führen seitdem Process Communication Model Trainings, sowohl als offene Seminare als auch als Inhouse Trainings, durch. Gerade die Trainings im medizinischen Bereich zeigen, dass das Process Communication Model die Kommunikationsfähigkeit innerhalb eines Teams, vor allem in Stresssituationen, absolut steigert und somit Konflikte vermieden oder schneller gelöst werden können.
Unsere Seminare richten sich vorwiegend an Führungskräfte, Verantwortliche im Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagement, den Arzt, das Praxis- und Klinikteam und an den Pädagogen. Unser Spezialgebiet ist die Kommunikation in der Medizin – als Führungskraft, als Teammitglied und im Dialog mit dem Patienten und dessen Angehörigen.